Make The Quran The Companion Your Child Loves Wherever They GO!
Bringing the Quran back to the center of our Islamic Education
When your child sees the world with a Quranic lense, they connect Allah's signs of revelation with His signs of creation
Field Trips and Enrichments
!!Allow your child to unlock their academic and Quran memorization potential
Individualized education model that will assure your child is progressing at their own pace
Allow your child to design projects that enhance problem solving and critical thinking
Farm Days we partner with the best farms in town!
What makes Connect the Dots Quranic Academy the right fit for your Child?
A unique INDIVIDUALIZED blended educational model that your child will LOVE!
Quranic Quests
Research and hands on projects that revive the live Quranic miracle in our students hearts
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Positive Learning
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!!We get to know Allah with the really cool things He does
When students understand and contemplate on Allah's signs of creation nd Sighns of revelation
Esra Abdelrahim Eltilib
Founder and Executive Director

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